- |
- Audema Diane |
- Berbinau Aubry Jeanne |
- Blondeau Diane |
- Carbonne Antoine |
- Cornut-Gentille Aurelien |
- Dumas Juliette |
- Fages Mathilde |
- Giraud Lia |
- Gouerou Guillaume |
- Goupy Anaïs |
- Guillermin Vincent |
- Hammadouche Lyes |
- Le Coadou Donovan |
- Lebras Paul |
- Lecouturier Armand |
- Lemousy Julian |
- Lescop Léo |
- Perreard David |
- Qutateladze Nika |
- Roubaud Vivien |
- Saint-Maxent Benjamin |
- Schiavi Ugo |
La Station - Nice - France
From 10-03-2015 to 02-01-2016
Opening informations : opening and concert friday October 2, 2015
A project of the CULBUTO Collective invited by LA STATION
Residence // September 14, 2015 — October 2, 2015.
Opening & Concert // October 2, 2015.
Exhibition // October 3, 2015 — January 2, 2016.
The Culbuto collective:
Aurélien Cornut-Gentille / Paul Le Bras / Vivien Roubaud (residents of La Station) / Mathilde Fages / Guillaume Gouerou / Ugo Schiavi.
The guest artists:
Diane Audema / Diane Blondeau / Jeanne Berbinau Aubry / Antoine Carbonne / Donovan Le Coadou / Juliette Dumas / Lia Giraud / Anaïs Goupy / Vincent Guillermin / Lyes Hammadouche / Armand Lecouturier / Julian Lemousy / Léo Lescop / David Perreard / Nika Qutateladze / Benjamin Saint Maxent.
In the Fall 2015, the Culbuto collective will propose AD HOC, an ambitious residency and exhibition project received by La Station.
The collective will invite sixteen artists to work in residence at La Station for fifteen days to create a dynamic and specific exhibition. Carried by Culbuto’s energy, who does not position itself as a curator here but rather as a « catalyst », AD HOC will be based on the values of sharing, exchanges and dialogue.
During the residence, the collective will provide the guest artists with all the tools necessary to the creation of their works: spaces, material, but also technical skills and experience will be shared in a collective benevolence. The AD HOC project lies on the wish to open the field of the possible so that each artist’s projects do not answer to any prior orientation.
Watch some pictures of the residence :
After this time of collaborative work, the AD HOC exhibition will present the works created: without any hanging plans or manifestos, it will present the on location and original new production. AD HOC will spread over all the spaces of La Station, will explore its surroundings, take possession of this industrial site — a no man’s land to be occupied, a playground to be discovered.
For the opening, the Culbuto collective will invite Matthys, Monolithe Noir, Pethrol and SanPanTzar to perform, with the help of the Moïmoï collective, a multidisciplinary group involved in music and contemporary art.
Matthys : https://soundcloud.com/matthys
Monolithe Noir : https://soundcloud.com/monolithenoir
Pethrol : https://soundcloud.com/pethrol
SanPanTzar : https://soundcloud.com/sanpantzar
In parallel, the Culbuto Collective will create an evolving piece, the Culbuto Tree, moving a Washingtonia palm tree of 7 to 8 meters high. A first version of this work was made in 2013 at Villa Garikula (Georgia): a founding project, it asserts itself as the very expression of the work process of this collective.
AD HOC will also receive in the month of November, a stage of the tour Beuys on Tour of the English artists Ackroyd & Harvey: thought in the periphery of the COP21 and carried by the NA!FUND, this project will present the work of Beuys Acorn and will propose some round tables on climate change (in partnership with Villa Arson).
The Culbuto Collective consists in six young artists who graduated from Villa Arson: Aurélien Cornut-Gentille, Mathilde Fages, Guillaume Gouerou, Paul Le Bras, Vivien Roubaud and Ugo Schiavi. Its activity rests on an affirmed wish to develop a common work spirit and of experience sharing. Punctually, the members meet to work together on ambitious projects.
Invited in 2013 for a residence in Garikula (Georgia), they take a tree out of its natural environment to endow it with an independent and dangling base such as a toy, the Weeble (Culbuto in French). On a platform in concrete, the tree is pushed and moves by the wind. Of this work, they draw their name: CULBUTO. The toy is synonymous with oscillation and research. Their approach is oriented towards the taking and the study of phenomena in which time becomes the expression of a potential reality.
In 2014, the collective met again for the exhibition Gesltat VS Gangstagave in the windows of the M.A.M.A.C of Nice: having cut off a section of landscape of a length equivalent to the exhibition space offered, Culbuto showcases a plot of the niçois’ back country. The section’s ecosystem (thyme, weeds, soil, small stones, shotgun cartridge, pieces of a bee hive… and car shell) survives there thanks to lamps, fans and an irrigation system that maintain the elements of the set alive.
This project was carried out thanks to the support of the Région PACA, Villa Arson and the 180 contributors who took part in the crowd funding campaign on KissKissBankBank: http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/ad-hoc