I Left Someone For Someone Who Left Me ; He Was Drinking In Secret But everybody Knew It ; The Grocer Was Sort Of Counting On The Alcoholics In The Neighborhood ; He Was Obviously Not Willing To Talk To Us Anymore ; I Don’t Need You But If You Want I’m On My Way ; Deux vieux se sont battus pour une histoire de nougat ; He Was Doing His All To Keep Her Then After All She Wanted To Stay ; Mourir dans la nuit alors que le réveil attend de sonner, Gérald Panighi Informations :techniques mixtes, 2012 Artiste(s) :| Panighi Gérald | Exposition / Evènement lié : Sunshine & Precipitation / De la Pluie et du Beau Temps II »Catalyst Arts - Belfast - Irlande du NordDu 09-09-2012 au 21-09-2012 Poster un commentaire Cliquez ici pour annuler la réponse. Nom * Email * Site web Poster