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- Ganne Jean-Baptiste |
- Guillot Alexandra |
- Panighi Gérald |
- Pugnaire Florian |
- Raffini David |
- Roubaud Vivien |
- Schiavi Ugo |
- Teisseire Cédric |
- Wolska Tatiana |
Catalyst Arts - Belfast - North Ireland
From 09-08-2012 to 21-09-2012
Download the press release
This project is an exchange between French and Irish cultures : SUNSHINE & PRECIPITATION / DE LA PLUIE ET DU BEAU TEMPS refers to a first meeting between two people, when we talk about the weather and we gradually find out about the other.
In May 2012, Catalyst Arts came to La Station to exhibit a selection of his members’ works. This time, La Station is invited at Catalyst Arts and is pleased to present the work of 9 artists from Nice : Jean-Baptiste Ganne, Alexandra Guillot, Florian Pugnaire & David Raffini, Vivien Roubaud, Ugo Schiavi, Cédric Teisseire, Tatiana Wolska (all members of La Station) and Gérald Panighi (guest).
The exhibition is not built like a curated one, but is more like a overview of what makes our everyday’s creation at La Station : drawings, videos, installations, paintings…
La Station is an organisation that promotes the most contemporary artistic creations through its artists’ studios and its exhibition space. The collective has occupied many different spaces since 1996 and is now situated in a disused slaughterhouse.
La Station offers an experimental platform within which up-and-coming artists can find conditions conducive to initiating projects and participating in the development, promotion and dissemination of their activities. This enabling initiative started in Nice in 1996 allows the emergence of research in real and professional exhibition or production conditions.