La Station - Nice - France
From 03-17-2012 to 05-05-2012
Opening informations : opening on Friday, March 16, from 6 PM
F or this exhibition at La Station, Olivier Bartoletti will mainly present original works in line with what the artist calls his « spleen practice: » he gathers, at the mercy of wanders on the beaches of Spain or Camargo, various objects and refuse to which he gives a new life by including them in the field of art. Q-tips, fishing line, broken neons, matches, toothpicks, become the vectors of a metamorph practice, oscillating between painting, drawing, photography and sculpture.
As a guest video, Olivier Bartoletti invited Sandra Lecoq to play a « Delicious exquisite corpse, » a practice consisting in filming a short clip and letting the other only watch the final 5 seconds. This fragment then inspires the continuation of the narrative, played between Nice and Barcelona. It will be round n° 5 of the game started in 1999 between the two artists, long time accomplices.
Belle à crever is the non literal translation of Divina de la Muerte, the title of Olivier Bartoletti’s latest exhibition in Spain (at TPK – art i pensament contemporaneo / Metropolitan Center of Tecla Sala in L’Hospitalet).