With the artists : Tom Barbagli, Suska Bastian, Arnaud Biais, Nathan Carême, Johan Christ-Bertrand, Camille Franch-Guerra, Donia Ouassit,
Eleonora Paciullo, Philippe Paradis, David Raffini, Romain Ravera, Omar Rodriguez-Sanmartin, Clémentine Taupin, Cédric Teisseire, Rémi Voche, Agathe Wiesner, Anne-Laure Wuillai.
For the third year running, Support Station presents the work of La Station’s resident artists and their guests!
In an immersive installation designed especially for the event, Support Station the practices of the artists who make it up, bring it to life.
They present works that have emerged from their studios or been produced for the exhibition. Support Station aims to financially support La Station as an artist-run space!
Visual: Agathe Wiesner and Donia Ouassit
Exhibition from December 14, 2024 to January 11, 2025
Opening on Saturday December 14 at 5pm