- |
- Bertrand Delphine |
- Boussella Reda |
- Brunet Paul |
- Chevreau Maxence |
- Férézou Lucie |
- Girard Camille |
- God Thomas |
- Humeau Loris |
- Janisset Margaux |
- Le Clouërec Guillaume |
- Le Guillou Céline |
- Leroux Simon |
- Loumi Kahina |
- Noguera Fleur |
- Perriches Renaud |
- Régnier Boris |
- Rousseau Sylvain |
- Sorin Yoan |
- Tomkowiak Elsa |
La Station - Nice - France
From 07-03-2021 to 18-09-2021
Opening informations : opening on Friday, july 2nd at 6 PM
This project between La Station (Nice), Bellevue* (Douarnenez) and EESAB (Quimper), follows exchanges between artist-teachers: Cédric Teisseire (a founder of La Station) and Bruno Peinado (an artist-teacher at EESAB). It takes the shape of a two-fold exhibition in Nice and in Quimper, with an extension in Douarnenez. La Grande Diagonale is also an opportunity to develop a sharp theoretical reflection on the notion of regional scenes and networks; on the structuring of these exhibition and residence spaces, born out of artist collectives: the artist-run spaces.
The two artist-run spaces have very different stories: La Station has been existing for 25 years whereas Bellevue, set up by young EESAB graduates, is only a few years old. These two self-managed artist-run spaces connect in affirmed artistic biases, in particular the defense of creation in its most experimental forms, be it in its production or in its distribution; making work space available for visual artist, or even the network promotion of contemporary artistic practices.
The first fold of this exhibition is shown at La Station in Nice, from July 2, to September 18, 2021. Bruno Peinado curates it from a selection of artists living in Douarnenez, Quimper or even Rennes (including 15 graduates from EESAB – Quimper Campus): Delphine Bertrand, Reda Boussella, Maxence Chevreau, Lucie Férézou, Camille Girard and Paul Brunet, Thomas God, Loris Humeau, Margaux Janisset, Guillaume Le Clouërec, Céline Le Guillou, Simon Leroux, Kahina Loumi, Fleur Noguera, Renaud Perriches, Boris Régnier, Sylvain Rousseau, Yoan Sorin and Elsa Tomkowiak.
The second fold will be held in EESAB – Quimper Campus and in Bellevue (Douarnenez) from July 16, to August 20; because La Station does not curate, Cédric Teisseire and the resident artists will showcase themselves next to artists close to their artistic preoccupations (including, in particular, former residents): Neven Allanic, Tom Barbagli, Néphéli Barbas, Simon Bérard, Jeanne Berbinau-Aubry, Arnaud Biais, Diane Blondeau, Valentin Faline, Jean-Baptiste Ganne, Tom Giampieri, Guillaume Gouerou, Ludovic Lignon, Xavier Michel, Morgan Patimo, Omar Rodriguez Sanmartin, Justin Sanchez, Cédric Teisseire, Agathe Wiesner and Anne-Laure Wuillai.
In total, 38 artists (19 of each areas) will meet and show in these two significant regions, thus creating a Grande Diagonale through the French territory.
*Bellevue is an artist-run space located in Douarnenez (Finistère) at the Ris beach. It is a work space and and exhibition location created by Thomas God, Boris Régnier and Guillaume Le Clouërec, 3 graduated from EESAB.