- |
- Coulon Gwendal |
- De Conflans Félise |
- Faline Valentin |
- Fanchon Sylvie |
- Fregosi Adrien |
- Pierre-Guilhem |
- Pinarbasi Hatice |
La Station - Nice - France
From 02-03-2023 to 18-03-2023
Opening informations : Opening Friday 3 February - 6pm
An exhibition by Gwendal Coulon
From 3 February to 18 March at La Station
Opening Friday 3 February – 6pm
Putting together an exhibition in the same way as composing a music album, taking a look at love, death, childhood, politics, adolescence and our social relationships through a selection of sculptures, installations, paintings and drawings created by Gwendal Coulon during his residency at La Station in 2022.
With guest artists
Félise de Conflans
Valentin Faline
Sylvie Fanchon
Adrien Fregosi
Hatice Pinarbas
Exhibition produced with the support of the Drac PACA as part of La Station’s temporary residency programme.